About Dr Brian Ang

Patient Guide

Glaucoma Treatment With Istent Implantation

Why is implantation of the iStent necessary?The iStent is implanted to...

Intravitreal / Eye Injections

Why are intravitreal (or eye) injections necessary?Intravitreal injections (IVI) are injections...

Glaucoma Treatment With the Hydrus Microstent

Why is implantation of the Hydrus stent necessary?The Hydrus Microstent is...

Glaucoma Treatment With Drainage Tube Shunt Surgery

Why is glaucoma tube shunt implantation necessary?Glaucoma tube shunt implantation is...

Glaucoma Treatment With Cyclodiode Laser

Why is cyclodiode laser necessary?Cyclodiode laser is performed for patients...

Cataract Surgery

Why is cataract surgery necessary?Cataract surgery is performed for patients whose...

Glaucoma Treatment Withbleb Needling and Revision

Why is bleb needling (and bleb revision) necessary?Bleb needling (and bleb...